The payment of import duties shall be as follows:
– equipment which is a foreign person’s role, apart from passenger cars, automats for entertainment and games of chance,
– production equipment that is not produced in B&H, and which is imported for new or expanded existing production,
– floating for military and police, as well as penitentiary institutions, fully funded by donors,
– floor imported for the purpose of demining, goods for
reconstruction and reconstruction projects in B&H, if the project
was adopted by the Council of Ministers of B&H
and if it is fully funded by foreign donors or an international development bank, and financially financed from the budget,
– equipment intended for firefighting and civil protection,
– the name of the natural person, if he transfers his usual place of
residence or residence from another state in B&H, as well as the
goods he inherited in another state,
– free goods imported for marriage – wedding equipment, gifts and
household items belonging to a natural person for the purpose of
entering into a marriage transfer from another country in B&H,
-school equipment, educational materials, and goods for the needs of
blind people, adapted for education and their further development.
In personal luggage, a natural person may transfer non-commercial goods without payment of import duties, up to 600,00 KM.